New Hampshire Aggravated DWI Lawyers
In New Hampshire, you can be charged with enhanced penalties if your DWI was committed under certain circumstances. So, pursuant to RSA 265-A:3. if law enforcement can prove that you were operating a motor vehicle on a public way under the influence of an intoxicating liquor and:
- You were driving 30 miles per hour in excess of the posted speed limit; or
- You caused a motor vehicle accident causing serious bodily injury to someone (including yourself); or
- You tried to flee or hide from the officer who pulled you over; or
- You had a passenger in the car under the age of 16 years old;or
- You had a blood alcohol concentration of over .16.
If any of these enhancing factors are present, your DWI could be charged as an “aggravated” DWI thus requiring a minimum mandatory jail sentence and other enhanced penalties.
- A conviction for a Class A Misdemeanor (punishable by up to one year in jail);
- A Fine of not less than $750 plus court imposed penalty assessment of 24%;
- A Mandatory sentence of not less than 17 consecutive days in the House of Correction, of which 12 days shall be suspended. (This means you are going to serve at least 5 days in jail);
- The Court will refer you to the Impaired Driver Care Management Program to schedule a full substance use disorder evaluation at your expense;
- Upon release from jail you shall schedule a substance use disorder evaluation within 30 days of release (there is no initial screening as with a simple DWI conviction), complete the required substance use disorder evaluation within 60 days of release, and comply with the service plan developed;
- Your driver’s license will be suspended for not less than 18 months and up to 2 years;
- Upon confirmation from the Impaired Driver Care Management Program that you are in full compliance with the service plan, the court may suspend up to 6 months of the sentence with the condition that an interlock device be installed for the period of the suspended sentence.
- You will be ordered to install an interlock device for not less than 12 months nor more than 2 years at your expense;
- You will be responsible for paying all associated costs and fees for these programs.
Our lawyers are skilled not only at securing NOT GUILTY verdicts but also at negotiating the more difficult cases so that aggravated DWIs are reduced to Reckless driving charges or some other non-jailable offense.
An Aggravated DWI is a serious charge. In each of the aggravating criteria listed in the statute, some one either has gotten seriously injured or the possibility for serious injury was present. Judges and prosecutors do not take this offense lightly and neither should you.
Call one of our experienced and aggressive DUI lawyers today for a completely free consultation. (603) 669-1738.
We will sit down with you free of charge and give you an honest case evaluation.
We will answer each and every question you have until you understand the process.
If trusted with your defense, we will work diligently to get you the result you expect.
Our Lawyers know how to get to “Not Guilty”!
Our legal team have handled thousands of cases like yours.
Our Lawyers are respected by judges and feared by prosecutors throughout the State.
Our Lawyers are defined by their aggressive and hard fighting approach.
Lawyers with a complete and thorough understanding of DWI laws and defenses and the rules of criminal procedure.

These guys fought like dogs o get me a not guilty. Great lawyers, great guys!

A DWI conviction would have cost me my job. These guys saved my life.

Thank you for pulling off a miracle. I am your client for life!

Attorney Sakellarios owned the Courtroom, My decision to hire him was the best decision I ever made.

These guys know DWI/DUI defense like the back of their hand.

I was at an all-time low point and thought I was going to lose my job and my marriage. These guys saved my life. I wouldn’t trust any other firm with my DWI.

Truly great lawyers.

I thought I was caught dead to rights and didn’t think there was any way I could get out of my charges. These lawyers are so good, by the end of my trial I wanted to sue the police department for false arrest.